Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Primal Cooking Circle - July 3rd, 2014

I had the privilege of getting together with two wonderful ladies who are wanting to learn how I cook and transition to the primal way of food. Either that... or they're kind and humoring me. ;)  Either way, I want to thank Nicole, and Rachel for being gracious students and wonderful company.  I look forward to getting together with you again.

In the meantime, I promised I would post the recipes we used, and I will also work on getting more recipes up as well.  For today, we have the Primal Enchiladasmy current pizza crust recipe, and the scrumptious Primal Dark Chocolate.

Primal Enchiladas  (clicking on the links will take you to main recipe pages on my blog.  It has a few notes of tweaks, etc. I've made to recipes.)

Enchilada Sauce
28 oz can crushed tomatoes (or roasted tomatoes, mixed in blender)
2-3 Tbsp minced dry onion (or 1/2 small onion chopped fine)
2 Tbsp chili powder
2 tsp red (cayenne) pepper
4-5 cloves garlic, minced
1 small can green chilis

Mix together well and set aside.

Egg Crepes (Tortillas)
3 whole large eggs
5 additional egg whites
1/2 cup whole milk or half & half

Mix well.  Heat to medium heat a skillet.  Spray will with non-stick spray.  Pour small amount of egg mixture into skillet and tilt to spread and cover bottom.  Let cook for approximately 1 minute.  Cover the skillet with a lid and cook another 30 seconds.  Slide with spatula onto plate to keep until ready to fill.  Use rest of egg mixture making another 5-7 'tortillas'.

Take approx. 1-1/2 cups of the sauce mixture and put in skillet that you'd used for the crepes.  Stir in the meat you have selected to use in your filling.  I have used chicken, roast, and ground beef - all of which are delicious.  Stir mixture and heat until liquid reduces and sauce is thickness desired.

Putting it together:
Grease 9x13 pan.  Spread small amount of sauce in the bottom.  Take an empty plate and spread out a crepe.  Put small spoonful of filling onto crepe and sprinkle with cheddar cheese.  Fold sides of crepe in slightly and then roll from opposite end to close. Place folded enchilada into pan on top of sauce.  Continue making enchiladas until crepes are gone/pan is full.  Pour remaining sauce over enchiladas and spoon leftover filling in between enchiladas for yummy goodness.  Sprinkle entire pan with shredded cheese.  Cover with foil and bake in 350 oven for 30 minutes.  I like to take off foil then and bake another 5 minutes or just turn on broiler to brown up the tops for a couple minutes.

Primal Dark Chocolate

I got my dark chocolate recipe from this link at
I did however change the amounts, because I was ending up with more of a paste than a pourable chocolate.  Feel free to play with it and see what happens! :D

½ cup natural organic cacao powder
¼ cup coconut oil, melted or butter (GENTLY melted)
1-2 tablespoons pure raw honey or pure maple syrup*
½ teaspoon pure vanilla extract
pinch of sea salt
Combine all the ingredients in a small bowl and stir until well mixed and smooth. You can pour the chocolate into candy molds to make chocolate candy, you can put the chocolate into a cake decorator (or plastic bag with the edge cut off) and pipe out chocolate chips or you can pour the chocolate into wax or parchment paper and make bars. Freeze until hardened – about 30 minutes. Store the chocolate in the fridge. 

*I came up with this based on my personal taste tests:
1 tablespoon honey = about 85% dark chocolate
1 1/2 tablespoon honey = about 73% dark chocolate  
2 tablespoon honey = about 60% dark chocolate 

Primal Pizza Crust 

My current pizza crusts uses tapioca and potato flours instead of almond flour.  The result is a crust that doesn't cost quite as much, and the fat content is a bit lower.  I don't really work about the fat content, because it's GOOD fats.  However, it does cost a lot of calories when trying to actually lose weight.  This has become our standby for the time being.  Enjoy!

Primal Pizza Crust

(makes 6-7 individual 7" pizzas, or 2 - 12" pizzas)

2 cups tapioca flour
1/4+ cup potato starch  (*see notes)
1/4- cup potato flour  (*see notes)
1/4 cup olive oil
3/4 cup water
1/2 tsp real sea salt
2 eggs
spices and seasonings to taste.  I like to add garlic powder, italian seasoning, and caraway seeds to our crusts.

Put all dry ingredients into bowl.  Mix wet ingredients together in separate bowl and then add to dry.  Mix well.  Should be just slightly crumbly.  Pour out onto floured counter or board and knead dough until soft, pliable ball forms.
Divide and pat out onto greased pizza pans.  Precook crusts at 350 for about 12-15 minutes.  Take out, let cool and then top with sauce and desired pizza toppings.  Cook an additional 14 +/- minutes, broil for 2 minutes if desired.
Crusts also freeze well in ziploc bag if not needed immediately.

* You can play with the amounts of starch vs flour to change texture of your crust.  More potato flour equals a softer, sometimes doughier, crust.  More potato starch equals more crispiness.

Cook, play, and have fun.

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